Sunday, February 24, 2008

Okay, Grandpa...

I've received a few gentle nudges from people mentioning that blogging seems to have taken a back seat to other things in my life lately (it's more like it's hanging on by its fingernails from the back bumper...). I've taken these in stride, but when my sweet Grandpa Griffith starts talking to my husband about how I'm being outblogged by Kate and Kent (and we all know that Kate's doing all the work) then I've just got to do SOMETHING.

I've got cute kids. I'm not afraid to show them. I'm not reluctant to tell you things like how Harrison has started designating certain things as "special" and I just love it. For some reason, it always sounds really sweet when he uses that word. "What are you playing with, Harrison?" "This guy." Pause. "He's special, Mom. He's special." (By the way, in that particular conversation we were discussing an evil-looking, sombrero-wearing, hat-popping dude from his McD's Kids' Meal.)

Anyway--here are a few select moments from our world in the last little while:

Harrison was highly anticipating Grandpa Griffith (my dad, not MY Grandpa Griffith, who was mentioned at the beginning of this blog) and Grandma TT's visit so that he could eat a can a sardines with Grandpa. I thought I'd start him out easy, so I provided the packed-in-mustard variety and held my breath to see if he'd enjoy sardine time with my dad like I had. It was a success. He took it down without blinking. Look out, Uncle Kent--here comes a major eater.

Truman really only has eyes for Harrison if his big brother is around at all. Complete and total adoration. And H-man loves him back just as hard.
When big brother is asleep, then I can get a little lovin' from Mr. Truman-dous himself and that's when we have moments like this:
When we started gearing up for Valentine's Day, I discovered that Harrison loves getting crafty. We've started going to our library for story time mainly because afterward we get to make some rockin' crafts. He loves gluing, cutting, stickering, markering, etc. And he associates all of this with Valentine's Day, and continues to daily plead for me to make valentines with him well after the holiday is over. Luckily, he's got a mom who's a sucker for messy projects that involve pipe cleaners and yarn. Good stuff.