Sunday, June 16, 2013

Link in a bumper car...alone!

Harrison's first swim meet

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nasty carpet and surprising strength

See that HUGE roll of carpet sticking out of my trash can? If you were to look closer, you'd see it's actually one big roll folded in half. And even if you weren't to look close you'd notice the plume of filth that rose from it at the least disturbance. And you might notice some wasp nests attached to it (you know, right by the mystery substance stains).

That thing was sitting up in the rafters of our very nasty garage. And spring is coming. And my boys can't stay out of nasty places--in fact, they prefer them. So guess what I did this morning....

Keep in mind, I literally can not remember the last time I worked out. I have one active group of muscles that I maintain by lugging Link on my right hip. Everything withered away long ago. I got that thing in that dumpster all. by. my. self. And it was heavy. Muscle-spasming-while-it's-suspended-over-your-head heavy.

The take away here? I am hilariously stubborn about weird things. I can't stand to have a trash day go by where we haven't filled our trash cans to the brim because we have so much weird crap that was left in the house we recently moved into and are remodeling. So there is the battle I chose to fight this morning.

Now to see if the trash guys will actually take it...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Turns out...

Well, I'm not going to spend tons of time trying to catch up on all the LIFE I didn't chronicle, but... we did happen to acquire a gorgeous little human being a while ago. Lincoln is now almost 18 months old and perfect in almost every way. None of us remember life without him, and he pretty much rules the roost.  Here the boys are on the way down to Diamond Caverns last week. 

We also were so happy to take the boys with us on a little trip to Washington D.C. a few weeks ago. SO FUN! Highlights of the trip included getting reacquainted with our adorable nieces Aniya, Lizzie, Paige, and Amber, seeing the Star Spangled Banner, dinosaur bones, a space shuttle, and the Hope Diamond, and talking with the boys about all kinds of exciting American history.

And this is what happens when  you leave your sons in the care of your husband while you attend a Time Out for Women in Indianapolis...they end up touching pig lungs and having the time of their lives, as is apparent from the picture. He's a good dad.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Move along, there's nothing to see here. Just a sheepish mom trying to get back into the habit of recording her life. Because it's a good life. But seriously, don't freak out (she says to the vast enormity of the internet that isn't paying attention to her anyway). If I'm going to do this again, I just needed to start somewhere and write SOMETHING. 

I'm setting a new goal to do a little blogging and meditating daily. So....if this is legit, I'll do this again tomorrow. Maybe even include a little pic or something. Forget that, we're baby-stepping here, people.