Thursday, February 1, 2007

You write the songs, Barry.

My mom was talking to me about a book she's reading involving the "five languages of love." I don't know much about it, but it got me to pondering how I express love to Dan. He seems to be so much better than me at showing me his feelings, but I did hit on something. The more I've grown to love Dan, the more I have taken to loving things that he loves. Case in point:

Early in our relationship, (I don't remember if we were dating, engaged, or just married) we took a road trip and had the rule that whoever was driving got to pick the music. This led to one of our first real fights because I found myself trying to actually assign meaning to Lionel Richie lyrics, which can only lead one to feeling irritable and grouchy. I simply could not fathom why someone would choose to listen to intellectually insulting lines like, "Say you...say me...say it together...naturally.... Hello? Is it me you're looking for?"

Anyway, I've evolved. Not that Lionel is at the total top of my list now, but Dan and I do have a song on one of his cd's where we've assigned parts and do a pretty sweet duet together. Everybody does that, right? Where I really see the change is in my appreciation for Barry Manilow. I was never a Barry Hater. I simply only saw the genius in two of his songs, "Mandy" and "Copa Cabana." But after Dan told me how much he loved another of the ballads, (and hearing it about 30 times) I realized last night that I actually LOVED that song. Weird, huh? Same phenomenon with the Pistons and Dan's guilty pleasure Boston Legal.

Here's the funny part. This love of Delilah-esque music seems to be genetic. Harrison absolutely loves "Copa Cabana." Truly. Today he was throwing a fit because I had him out too far past his nap time. I threw him in the car and cranked it up and he got his groove on immediately. Luckily for me, it's a super long song. It got us most of the way home.


Anonymous said...

You and Dan couldn't be any cuter! Its exciting that Harrison is following in your guys foot steps in singing and dancing..

Anonymous said...

jenni, i haven't read your blog for a while and after coming back to it just now, i have to say: jenni, you rock. nothing has particularly struck me as amazing, but for some reason the feeling is still there. you just rock.

Anonymous said...

I just love singing with someone and am happy that you and Dan harmonize. Sometimes I sing with dad but keep having to change the key we are singing in all of the time. One of my happy memories...singing in the car with all of the kids. Dan.. do you remember the Al-le-lu-a song we all learned when Abe was in honors choir? mich mom

Brittany said...

Her name was Lola.... that was way too much fun in the car today! You are right Harrison does love that song, he was getting his grove on!!! Go Harrison!