Friday, December 7, 2007

I love you guys!

Can I just gush for a minute? I have been blessed with some freaking amazing people in my life and I just need to let gratitude erupt for just a sec or I might explode.

  • Two of my absolute fantastic college BFF's surprised me out of the blue last weekend to show up for my Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. I want to cry every time I think about how adorable they are. Bren and Rob, I don't think you understand how much I needed that. Thank you.
  • Shell, I'm becoming increasingly horrible about blogging and checking other people's blogs, but every time I check yours my heart smiles. I want to be a mom like you and write like you. I'm not sure which of those I want more.
  • Dad, you drove twenty-two hours out of your way just so I could stay and soak up a couple extra days of Iowa home lovin. It makes me so happy to see my boys loving on you and Katy and Mom. It even makes me happy to see one of my boys looking you in the face, putting out his hand, and saying, "No way, Dot, no way!" (You can fill the name in with whoever happens to be around). I love that you don't take Harrison's slightly-unsocial tendencies personally. And Gramma Dot, he's still talking about you and your Ms.
  • Brit, every coversation I have with you about my jewelry adventure is such a boost to my spirit. You have such a gift for giving support and encouragement and I am so grateful for it right now. I'll remember you when I'm a millionaire jewelry diva.
  • Danny boy, you approach life with such enthusiasm and it helps me try to do the same. I'm looking forward to the 7pm showing of Frosty the Snowman , complete with eggnog and popcorn like you wouldn't believe. It's been the talk of the house all day.
  • Kyle, you pretty much never update your blog, but your latest was so hilarious it's what made me laugh outloud and start thinking about all the people in my life that make me feel good. Where did you find that? Seriously funny.

Of course, that's not all the great people that are daily inspiring me. It's just what I could get down while both boys slept. You should be impressed that I got as far as I did. Kisses and holiday cheer to everyone!


Michelle said...

No way, Jen, No way!! YOU add such fun and zest to my life and I really adore having you as my sister. Did you make it through "Frosty the Snowman" without having an emotional breakdown? That movie always made me so depressed about the time the greenhouse scene hit. I've always been a sucker for sacrificial acts of melting.

Brittany said...

You are the best ever! And lets talk about supportive friends. Thank you so much for letting me vent to you today, I needed to talk to you more than you know and you were just the one to life my spirits.