Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Where do you keep the Magic Eraser?

Not words you want to hear. Ever. Right, Cora? I'm happy to report that permanent marker on vintage Formica is no match for Mr. Clean. If I was a celebrity I would insist on endorsing those things. I really think they have a little magic in them.

We're getting so excited for the holidays. Publix got us in the mood last night when we attended their "Holiday Fest." I didn't even have to make dinner. Samples galore. Good ones. Jumbo shrimp, stuffing, turkey, crab cakes, Christmas cookies, and on and on and on. The high point was when I tentatively let Harrison try the eggnog. I believe my exact words to Dan as I gave it to him were, "What if he's one of those freaks who doesn't like eggnog? I'm not sure I can handle that." Puh-lease. I didn't need to worry. I've never heard him squeal and smack his lips like he did last night. He's a fellow nog aficionado. I can rest easy.


Michelle said...

Nog season is here, yet again! I can't wait. Did we both blog about Magic Erasers within 48 hours of each other-check out my "Thankful" list.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

OK! Enough said! I'll make sure there is eggnog in the house while you are here! Great grandpa Gilbert would be prou of H.! michm

Kent Kate & Afton said...

How can anyone not like egg nog?!?! Kent and I were just thinking about Harrison dipping his garlic triskcuits (sp?) in egg nog and loving it! I pray that Afton is not one of those freaks. Oh, you have been tagged by me. Go to my blog and see what to do.