Saturday, July 4, 2009

Politics as Usual

When I was in the 4th grade, our school held a mock presidential election: Bush vs. Dukakis. Though we all know who won in real life, at West Burlington Elementary School, it was not cool to vote Bush. Josh Gahn and Nick Anderson wouldn't let me play four square when they learned of my political leanings. I became a closet conservative. But no more! The boys got their first taste of practicing self expression today.

We rocked a TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party armed with signs. It was a lot of fun, and it really felt good to come together with so many other people with concerns like ours. The turnout was great, and people couldn't get enough of Harrison and Truman in their ball and chains. They were definitely the camera's favorite.

After trying out various little flares, rockets, sparklers, poppers, etc., Truman decided the snakes were his favorite. He deemed them worthy enough for him to attempt to say, "Nake, nake!"

We also played on the beach and enjoyed an airshow, and I put Harrison to bed early so that he can go out late with Mom and Dad to ride the Ferris Wheel and catch the fireworks. I love this country. I love our heritage. God bless America!


Flee said...

Love the ball n' chains. Love the politics and love TC during Cherry festival. Glad you guys had so much fun!

Jessica said...

Amen, Sister! God Bless the USA!