Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nasty carpet and surprising strength

See that HUGE roll of carpet sticking out of my trash can? If you were to look closer, you'd see it's actually one big roll folded in half. And even if you weren't to look close you'd notice the plume of filth that rose from it at the least disturbance. And you might notice some wasp nests attached to it (you know, right by the mystery substance stains).

That thing was sitting up in the rafters of our very nasty garage. And spring is coming. And my boys can't stay out of nasty places--in fact, they prefer them. So guess what I did this morning....

Keep in mind, I literally can not remember the last time I worked out. I have one active group of muscles that I maintain by lugging Link on my right hip. Everything withered away long ago. I got that thing in that dumpster all. by. my. self. And it was heavy. Muscle-spasming-while-it's-suspended-over-your-head heavy.

The take away here? I am hilariously stubborn about weird things. I can't stand to have a trash day go by where we haven't filled our trash cans to the brim because we have so much weird crap that was left in the house we recently moved into and are remodeling. So there is the battle I chose to fight this morning.

Now to see if the trash guys will actually take it...

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