Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Too big for our britches...err...crib

When this little saga started about a week ago, I found it amusing and was turning over in my head how to most wittily blog it. Then things got not so funny....

One morning last week I went in to get Harrison out of bed. I'd heard him playing for a while in there. When I went in, the lamp on the other side of the changing table had been turned on. To appreciate what I'm talking about, you need to know how Harrison's room is set up. He has a crib with an attached changing table. Then there is a bed set up in the other corner, and there is a floor lamp next to the bed and fairly close to the changing table.

Anyway, when I came in first thing in the morning that lamp was on. Weird. You have to turn it on by hand and I couldn't understand why Dan would have turned it on when he put Harrison to bed the night before. Needless to say, I turned it off and Harrison and I started our day. Morning naptime rolled around and we were right on schedule. H-man took a great morning nap and I went in to get him after hearing him play in his crib for a while. The light was on again. Now I was stumped. I KNEW I had turned it off. After pondering for a while, I came to a conclusion that made me laugh: Harrison had to have climbed from his crib up onto the changing table, and then leaned over and turned the light on, and then climbed back down into his crib. It was the only possible solution and it seemed comically surreal to picture it happening.

That evening Dan was gone and I put Harrison to bed myself. When I walked out of the room, I felt a little uneasy, wondering if it was really possible that H-man had done the acrobatics I imagined him to have done. It's one thing to do that in the light of day, but what if he tried in the dark? I stood by the door for about a minute listening to him cry and then opened the door to peak in. There he was in a pitch dark room standing on top of that table! I was scared out of my wits.

Anyway, I'm making this longer then it needs to be. Here's what ended up happening:
  • I didn't put Harrison back in his crib, but kept him up horribly late until he fell asleep in my bed.
  • I made Dan lower the mattress about 3 inches to the lowest notch.
  • We thought our problem was solved and went a day or two with no further incident.
  • Then I walked in on Harrison playing on top of the table.
  • We were in a quandry.
  • Harrison fell off of the table onto his head and got rug burn on his face.
  • Jamie gave me the idea of putting something big and heavy on the table so that there is no room for him to get onto the table in the first place.
  • We put a big rubbermaid container of books there.
  • There have been no further incidents.

And that's that.

Below I've recreated what I saw upon entering H-man's room the other day--

All crib items dumped on the floor (this is customary)

An empty crib

A busy boy


Flee said...

I love that sweet boy! What a climber! Miss you guys~


Becca said...

Maybe he just didn't want to be in the dark.

brendaheaton said...

My favorite story yet!! Little H-man is so cool. I miss him! The stories and blog are so much more entertaining now that I know the little guy.