Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'm a chronic prodigal

I swear, half of my posts are apologies regarding how long it's been since my last post. No apology this time. If you're still bothering to check, then you obviously had enough faith to get you through that last lapse and can't be hatin' on me that much.

So--Happy Easter! We had an egg-cellent time today (honestly, I know they say puns are the lowest form of humor, but it seems to me that very witty people use them), and I'm putting up a kind of tediously long little vid for the grandparents, or anyone else who wants a glimpse of our Easter morning.

I hadn't talked to Harrison much before this season about the crucifixion or atonement, and thought that now would be a good time to start. Christmas is much easier--kids get birth. But I don't think he fully got that one. I tried talking to my little 3-year-old Sunbeam class today, but death, much less one on a cross for us, was a little out of their grasp. I kept getting interrupted with questions like, "What is 'killed'?" But even though I can't explain it to them yet, I hope my boys grow up with an understanding and gratitude for what we are celebrating today.


Rob-O said...

Wow Jen! Your boys are so big now. Harrison is talking up a storm and Truman.... I loved the big hunk of chocolate in his mouth. Miss you and your family is so sweet, I love it.

Carolyn~ said...

It was so good to see the boys! We miss them...I can't believe how fast they are growing up.I loved the chocolate Tru!

Teresa and Terry said...

Thanks so much for posting this video of our adorable grandsons! We sure miss them and their parents. I particularly loved Harrison talking about that egg in his toothbrush drawer. What other kid would find that one first?? What good boys they are. Love and miss you all.
Love, Mom G.

Jessica said...

Happy Easter! Glad you haven't given up the posting completely. (not that i check in often enough to worry too much about it...)once or twice a month is about all anybody gets from me.