Sunday, July 15, 2007

We saw a black bear!

Okay, maybe not this particular bear, but on our trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, somebody who looked a lot like this ran in front of our car. For an Iowa girl like me, it was a very exciting experience. I had no idea they ran so fast. Our own little Baby Bear had so much fun on the trip--especially doing anything that involved playing in sand. Luckily, that was pretty often. We went to an air show on the beach in Traverse City, climbed up the sand dunes on the shores of Lake Michigan in Leelanau County, and played in the sand in Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert's backyard.
Harrison loved the air show. And whenever he got bored, he'd throw sand in his hair till something big and loud came by overhead.
We visited Tahquamenon Falls up by Whitefish Point, but H-man was entirely too tuckered out to really enjoy those natural wonders.

Gift shops were more his style anyway. Lots of toys to play with.

Other highlights of the trip included Mom taking Jamie and I out for facials, manicures, and pedicures. Talk about pampering! Grandpa, Abe, and Dan took Walker and Harrison for at least half a day for us to be able to do that and it was fantastic. Thank you, Doris!

We also got to see (part of) the cabin up in Paradise, Michigan where Dan spent so many summer days at when he was a kid. I think he really enjoyed showing Harrison around his old stomping ground.

When we got home, we had THE GARDEN to face. It was really jungle-y and kind of scary. Japanese beetles took over some of the corn, and that's just gross. I'm determined to be a little more un-organic next year and anyone who has a problem with it can just tell me they'd rather be sharing their food with all those nasty beasts.

Check out a sampling of our harvest today. Yes, that's a pumpkin. Anyway--butternut squash....any ideas for using huge amounts of it?
Oh! and a big welcome to Mom and Dad Gilbert to the blogging world. Check them out in my list of Cool People.


jamie said...

WOW!! look at the fruit, well i guess the vegetables, of your labor! those veggies look absolutely scrumptious. I wish we lived closer, we would not have any problems relieving you of your food. Hope you come up with some creative ways to preserve all that goodness. :) you're my gardening hero!

Anonymous said...

Jen Griffith!! Or I guess I should say Gilbert. How the HECK are you?! Robin gave me your site and I can't believe how domesticated you are now!! Is this the same wild BYU roomate from freshman year?? Anyways--good to hear how well you are doing! And congrats on the newly anticipated little one! email me and we'll play catch up! Love, Alicia

Brittany said...

Wow! I'm loving it all and wishing we were there for the air show that Harrison loved so much! I would also like to point out that I am entirely too glad that we didn't name our son Tucker for many reasons, but most of all because I would have thought you were talking about my son when you said that Harrison was all "Tuckered" out after the air show. Lucky for me it didn't say he was all Huntered out. Then we would have a problem.

Brittany said...

P.S. I am looking at how green your grass looks in the picture where you are showing off your harvest.. Is that a tricky trick of the camera? I haven't seen grass that green since the frost! And if in fact it is that green, well lets just hope you don't wake up tomorrow with your grass transplanted into my yard. Something to think about...