Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Alien Rash

So, I was at Publix (only the best grocery store EVER) this afternoon with Brit and Hunter (and H-man of course). It was a fantastic trip. Shopping truly is a pleasure at Publix. Harrison and Hunter sat side-by-side in one of those race-car carts and seemed to really enjoy the experience. They screamed and squealed like girls together just to see how many looks they could get. They plastered kisses on one another. They each partook in the fabulous Cookie Club. Brit and I were mistresses of efficiency, getting the things we needed in record time, finding great coupons, all the while keeping the boys happy and entertained.

Sigh. Those kind of trips make you feel like a maternal success.

Then something weird happened. As we were loading the boys into the car, Brittany noticed a strange swollen ring of welts on little Hunter's wrist. She said that earlier he'd had a couple spider bites there, so were were alarmed with the bizarrely precise nature of this rash. It was the epidermal equivalent to crop circles. We hurried home so that Brittany could get Hunter into the doctor and have this malady diagnosed.

Is everyone ready for this? How many of you have guessed it? The idea was just too horrifying for us to have considered, but I'm ready to face it now. That's right. My little sweetie had at some point in our excursion tried to bite Hunter's arm off. He was only successful in leaving a red, raised tattoo of each and every one of his teeth. Not a mother's proudest moment. Unless you count the fact that he has great, evenly spaced teeth.

I'm including a picture, but you must believe me that the marks are much darker than the camera showed.

As a bonus, I'm throwing in a pic from later in the evening when we were babysitting our little friend, Jake. Harrison was being sweet and giving Jake a ride down our driveway. Dan was so proud that he decided to capture the moment with his camera phone. Trouble is, there's a little lag with that and we ended up getting the next moment, which wasn't quite as sweet.

Poor kid, he never saw it coming.


Becca said...

OOh, haven't seen Jake in a while! I guess they're all moved down there.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I have been working on a talk half the day and took a break to visit the sites. I laughed out loud again and again as I read this one. Too dang funny! I think I have seen those same markings or some very like those at sometime in the past! hmmm mich mom

Dani said...


I just love the picture of Harrison and Jake. Thta makes me laugh too much. Oh man.

Michelle said...

Oh, Jen...You will eventually rise above being known as "The Biter's Mom". Mothering is a humbling experience:) What I love is that it took a doctor to diagnose the 'rash'---good times!!