Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fat and Sassy

That just seems like an appropriate post title after Halloween. And pregnancy. As you can see, though he occasionally gets slapped around a little by big brother, or left in his bassinet a little longer than he'd like by Mom, Tru is proving to be a man of pretty good temperament. His smiles are coming more often and he's starting to coo so sweetly to me. I love it.
Harrison has been cracking us up. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. The glasses that he got for Halloween are more of an unintentional thing. I think he likes to put them on cause they're like the glasses Mommy wears, and he'll just walk around with them for a while talking seriously to me. I have no choice but to try to take him seriously.

I don't have any actual trick-or-treating pics, but you can check out a couple great ones of Harrison hitting the neighborhood with Hunter here. It was only a matter of time before I started just referring people to Britt's blog to see Harrison's life. I can't help it. He loves hanging with his BFF.

As might be becoming more and more obvious, H-man wears his "Bones" outfit a lot. This shot reminds me of Mr. Mom when the dude is shot and falls on the chalked body outline, but then has to get up and realign himself.

As a second-time-around mom, I didn't get around to getting a "first bath" picture until now. But it's sweet anyway, right?

We went on a gorgeous family hike this morning. I just love Tennessee in the fall. And I love being married to Dan, because he drags me out for stuff like this that I wouldn't do without him but end up loving. The weather was beautiful. The scenery was beautiful. My family is beautiful.


Michelle said...

This post was beautiful! I love spooky, little Harrison and adorable Tru. I'm pleased to know that my excessive Milk Duds consumption has managed to place me in the company of other fat and sassy groupies.

Michelle said...

Oh-and it was Michelle talking-I don't want Rob to be pinned with a Milk Duds addiction. His is Twix.

Michelle said...

Oh-and it was Michelle talking-I don't want Rob to be pinned with a Milk Duds addiction. His is Twix.

nora.lakehurst said...

OK I love the kids. The glasses I laughed out loud and its midnight here in Utah. WOW that is so cute. Truman is so darling. I jsut want to squeeze him.

Anonymous said...

Tru is so dang cute,,, right up there with H! See you guys VERY soon! Michmom