Saturday, October 21, 2006

And the costume choice goes to....

The amazing ninja master, of course. We were THIS CLOSE (picture me pinching my fingers together) to throwing a Santa suit on H-man, but opted for the less traditional approach at the last minute. The zoo was super fun, but COLD, so we had about a zillion layers on the little guy. We also traded his kung fu headband for a stocking cap pretty quickly. Despite our costume stress, we had a great time with our friends Scott and Tasha (with monkey Emery) and Lane and Shauna (with tiger Jake). Dan and I are headed to a pro-hockey game tonight, so Harrison will be hanging out at Emery's house. Wish us luck. Actually, wish THEM luck.


jamie said...

did harrison totally grow up in the last couple of weeks? oh my goodness, he looks so much older in that picture!! what a fierce looking ninja! LOVE it!! :) jamie

Anonymous said...

I seriously can't wait for you guys to some up for Thanksgiving!!!!!