Friday, January 19, 2007

A couple of firsts

Hmmmm. Yesterday started on a pretty bad note for poor Harrison. I'd had trouble sleeping the night before and had resorted to turning on the humidifier in our room in the middle of the night. Usually when I do that, Dan turns it off as he leaves for work. There is a reason for that. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to hear Harrison if he yelled. And yelled. And yelled.

I'm sure you see where this is going. The humidifier didn't get turned off. Mommy slept and slept. I feel so guilty. I woke up a few minutes after eight. I'm not sure how long the little guy had been up, but he clung to his little stuffed froggy all morning after. Froggy usually just sits in Harrison's crib and doesn't really get much attention, but Harrison dragged him around for a couple hours after the incident. Weird. I took a picture of them after Harrison finished his breakfast. He usually wants down immediately after eating, but yesterday he just pointed at a book and settled down with froggy to read in the high chair. It'd be cute if it wasn't so sad.

The other (and much more positive) big first we had yesterday was Harrison's first real (meaning paid) babysitter! Dan and I had a little date night and went to the temple. Harrison stayed with his very good friend Mallory. I guess he stayed up WAY past his bedtime flirting and cuddling with her. He carried a big blanket over to the couch for them to snuggle in, and they played peekaboo and found each other's noses and eyelashes for hours. He even fell asleep on her for a little bit, which he NEVER does with Mom and Dad. I've got to say, I was a little jealous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harrison is getting huge!! He's standing, walking, reading books upside down even! Goodness gracious. I think he's ready for his first trip to Boston. Clearly.