Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Testimony

So, I've been back in the classroom for a few weeks and am enjoying the experience. Today I was in an 8th grade Social Studies class that is studying Georgia history. They happened to be discussing some of the religious movements in the 1800's that affected our state and the nation and when I glanced down at a student's textbook, wouldn't you know a picture of the prophet Joseph Smith was staring back at me.

My pulse quickened a little because I've seen my share of texts that seem to go out of their way to falsify or put funny spins on my church's history. I read it quickly and was pleased to note that everything was true and unbiased. Imagine my shock then, during the lecture, when the classroom teacher moved the discussion from the introduction of Catholicism in Georgia on by saying, "Now, there were also religions brought in outside the realm of Christianity at this time. One of these is called The Church of Latter Day Saints."

I quickly jumped in to point out that the church she was referring to was called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (quite correctly named in the text) and that this church was obviously within the "realm of Christianity." Wow. It really amazes me how often people really misunderstand my religion. But it was extra disappointing to witness the miseducation of so many students.

Anyway, it just got me thinking today about how vital my faith in Jesus Christ is to me. I am ashamed that I never have the urge to include bits of my testimony or faith on this blog or in other communications I have with people. The older I get, or maybe just the wiser I get, the clearer it is to me that this is it. There is nothing more important. So even though this is kind of a taboo topic for blogs (or at least the ones I've read) I just wanted to make sure that there is no question where I stand on this issue. I am grateful for Christ's ministry and example, and I am humbled that he has atoned for my sins. Jesus is my King.

1 comment:

Flee said...

Amen. (in a non cheesy way.) I feel the same way lately. I feel more outgoing when it comes to what I believe and know to be true.