Thursday, January 8, 2009

my turn

Many of you know that Jen is working full time outside the home teaching again. She is a very busy momma. She has asked me to help out by contributing to the blog every once in a while. I know how disapointed many of you must be. I am not as good of a writer as jen and I will probably have my sentences structured wrong as well as mispelled words. Sorry to say that my postings will not be edited by jen.

Jen is amazing. She worked all day. Came home and spent time with the kids. Put the boys to bed and started couponing. She is currently out shopping at 10:30 pm. I love you pie!

Life as a mr. mom is hard. I have always respected the "stay at home mom" even though many in our society believe that isn't working. I challenge any one who thinks that staying at home with a 3 year old boy and a 1 year old boy isn't hard, stressful, dirty, noisy, lonely (adult conversations), stinky, tiring work to take my place for a day. It is so much easier to go to a construction site and play builder all day.

Well, here is a picture of our activity last night. Thanks for the ginger bread man kit Great Grampa Griffith.


Flee said...

Why am I the only one commenting!? Dan-nice work on the post. I like it. you did great :) Jen is amazing, she does everything!

Jessica said...

jen is an inspiration to us all - as are you, dan! excellent post. hope all is well in the new home.

Michelle said...

Keep 'em coming, Gilbert. I am so proud of both of you and all your hard work. You're amazing...