Thursday, January 15, 2009

Weird science

Is it Thursday already? How quickly the time flies when I skip blogging! I admit, I'm two day's off my new year's res, but I am undeterred. I think I can, I think I can....

Anyway, I'm making this post quick because we're busy here tonight. For Christmas Harrison received a My First Science Book from his great aunt Tricia, my uncle Scott, and my cousins Michaela, Anna, and Nick. Super sweet of them, and we hadn't really taken a look at it till yesterday. Well, look out, cause it's all H-man wants to do. He did all kinds of experiments and projects with Daddy today (fishing with magnets was a hit) and he had picked out precisely what he wanted to work on when Tru went to bed tonight. So we've been doing some fun shadow work and he's up there experimenting some more and Dan is reading Charlie Bone and I'm kind of feeling left out. So back to the lab. I'll try to get some pics for tomorrow's post!


Unknown said...

I love seeing little people get into this! Luke was obsessed with his first scientific "Grossology" book. Although, I think his favorite part was peeling the fake bird doo-doo off of the cover and placing it on Baby Josh's head, I'm certain that's what stimulated his scientific genius.

Josh would LOVE to work on some experiments with cousin, Harrison!

Michelle said...

That was Michelle, by the way