Monday, January 12, 2009

Things I don't want to forget

Okay, so this is the most current picture we have of my little family. I know that when I look back on it even five years from now I'll miss this stage of life. Look at us, it's nothing but a good lookin' party all day long with those guys around. It just got me thinking about all the fun things that Tru and Harrison do right now that I don't want to forget. Like:
-Tru and Harrison loyally stationed at the second-floor kitchen window every morning as I leave and every afternoon as I come home, window wide open, catcalling, "Ow-ow, Momma!" for all the neighborhood to hear. Would I make that up?
-Harrison waking up early to sit on the edge of the tub and tell me about his dreams while I get ready for work. (I'm not actually sure he has dreams yet. Usually they seem to involve whatever we were doing as we were going to bed the night before or whatever he happens to lay eyes on in the bathroom while he's talking.)
-Truman totally knows when he's ready for bed and often times has to remind us (especially if it's before seven and we're not expecting it). He just starts waving like a pageant queen and climbs up the stairs by himself.
-When Harrison sits down at the computer to "work" he does two things. He checks his email and he looks for good deals. Whenever he gets hold of scissors, he starts cutting "coupons" (i.e. anything in the shape of a square). He may look the part of Daddy, but he's a Mama's boy.
-Truman is frightenly stubborn. He demands absolute independence when eating or just won't do it. I'm finding he's not really that picky of an eater, just how it's presented. If I dare cut it up more than he thinks I should or break it apart etc., you can forget him eating. I don't know how he does it. He would honestly rather be hungry. I know that's not a cute story, but I just want to remember that years from now when I'm dealing with him and wondering where it all started.... Alas, I'm afraid this trait of his also qualifies him as a Mama's boy.
-Despite being a total squirmer, Truman LOVES reading. He is also very sure of what he wants to read. We go through phases, but right now his must read is the Griffith alphabet book that Aunt Shell made a while back. He insists on poring through every page and pointing out Grandpa Griffith. It's just what he does. (By the way, Happy Birthday, Dad!)
-Harrison requests tea all the time for various ailments. He is convinced it is the only thing that can help. As I was typing he just got out of bed to tell Dan that his thigh hurt and he needed tea. On Sunday during Sacrament meeting, he repeatedly announced in a loud voice that he was about to throw up and he needed tea. Repeatedly. In a loud voice. Tea. These are the things I don't want to forget.


Flee said...

Those kids are so funny! what cute personalities. I love that "ow ow mama!" rit-rew Jen, you are F-O-X-Y, foxy!

Michelle said...

You will be so happy that you recorded these tidbits! It makes me feel so guilty for missing recording so many of my little guys' stories. Maybe a cup of tea will make it better.

Kent and Kate said...

Those are sweet. My mom always tells me to write down the cute things Afton does because you think you won't forget but you will.

Anonymous said...

Good lookin' party for sure! Kids just don't come any more handsome that Harrison and Tru- of course equaled by Brad, Clay, Issac and Walker! I am glad you are updating us because I missed you guys when you weren't. mimom

mandee said...

What's up Danny boy...and of course Jen and kido's. That's a great pic and I have to say Dan, you have only gotten more handsome since the mission. Glad to see you posting more. It's nice to keep up with the family. We should take some lessons from you I suppose.